A Practical Guide to Teacher Well-Being, Vocal Health, and Development
by Harriet Anderson
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About the Book
This book is written for teachers, trainee teachers, and all those involved in teacher training and development. Presenters and other public speakers will also find much of value in its pages.
With this book you can learn how to:
• enhance your own well-being in the classroom
• look after your voice
• deal effectively with stress
• use your body and voice with more impact
It contains much clear and useful information as well as many helpful and practical exercises.
Inspired by the Alexander Technique, a unique body-mind method, this book affirms the importance of the integrated teacher who teaches with body as well as mind.
With this book you can learn how to:
• enhance your own well-being in the classroom
• look after your voice
• deal effectively with stress
• use your body and voice with more impact
It contains much clear and useful information as well as many helpful and practical exercises.
Inspired by the Alexander Technique, a unique body-mind method, this book affirms the importance of the integrated teacher who teaches with body as well as mind.
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