
meredith winn

austin, tx, usa

Meredith Winn is mostly a writer, but finds herself having a love affair with photography. Her words are the result of a life that dances between childhood and motherhood. Meredith Winn currently lives in Austin, Texas, and is available for freelance photography and writing assignments.

Meredith's passion is blending the beauty of the written word with visual art. Her writing is free verse much like her photography. Meredith's creative nonfiction has been published in various magazines including Literary Mama, Midwifery Today, HipMama, Motherverse, and Mamazine.

Meredith Winn's photography has been published by JPG Magazine, Emprise Review, and Midwifery Today Magazine. Meredith's art has been on display in the Fotofest gallery, Houston, TX (Feb. 2010).

Meredith is a contributing photographer to Shutter Sisters, the premier online photography community. You can license her images through Getty Images. Meredith Winn can also be found on etsy selling her fine art.

Books by meredith winn