
Loyd Heath

Bellevue, WA US

Loyd Heath’s interest in photography began in 1945 when he was a student at Riverside High School in Milwaukee, WI. He was struggling in his chemistry class and since his teacher was the faculty adviser to the “camera club,” he thought it might be a good strategic move to join the club. He did, and it worked out well; he passed chemistry and he gained a lifelong interest in photography.
Loyd has taken many courses and workshops in photography since that time, he has participated in many photo shows and his photos have been widely published. His primary career however was in accounting. He was a Professor of Accounting and Associate Dean at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business in Seattle for 36 years.
Since retiring from the University in 1998 Loyd has devoted full time to photography. He is best known for his University of Washington campus photos, his Alaskan totem pole photos, and his photos from Old World Wisconsin and Genesee Country Village in Mumford, NY,

Books by Loyd Heath