
Roger Bailey


Photographer and Art Director Roger Bailey started out his career as a property project manager responsible for building and marketing commercial property developments. Quickly dissatisfied with the photographers commissioned to provide images for the brochures, he started to undertake the work himself, choosing the correct time of day for the right light.

This developed into a passion for photographing all types of buildings, with mentoring by a number of BBC Directors and Saatchi Art Director. Mike Greenslade.

In 1995, Roger built up a portfolio of glamour work and in 1996 built a commercial studio in London. He then went on to building another in Oxford, both from scratch.

At this time he started to design and build sets in the studios and on location and began to direct the shoots using other photographers, sighting that you cannot pick the best shots whilst worrying about the technical aspects of the camera and lighting, not to mention continuity.

Books by Roger Bailey