
Lauren Udwari

Denver, CO, USA

New to Denver as of May 2009 but already feel at home here. Emergency Management Consultant by day, but real passion is writing (several blogs keep her busy). Climbing and running take up most of my free time. Member of three clubs - Front Range Film Club, Armchair Travel Book Club and Barefoot Running Club. Can't walk past a dog wtihout petting it. Love dive bars and fine dining. Love red wine and dark beer. Favorite Drink is coffee. Favorite Food: coffee. Just got back from two months in Patagonia, Chile where I spent time volunteering and trekking. This is where I developed a passion for street dogs. Volunteers as an elder buddy once a week. Favorite Board game is Mexican Train, because there is absolutely no skill involved. Prefers dogs, but have a cat named Royal (named after The Royal Tenenbaums, by my favorite director Wes Anderson). Vehemently opposes tradition (hates weddings and hallmark cards). Fears sharks and going bald.

Books by Lauren Udwari