
Britt Biscone


My name is Britt Biscone and I am the founder, and main guitar instructor, for Tuned. When I was 13 years old I had the privilege of being a camp counselor at a music camp. I was in charge of the children that were 6 years old or younger. It was there that I met my first Autistic child and that encounter changed my life. I wanted to do anything in my power to help people with Autism have a chance for a “normal” life.

When I began teaching guitar, I decided that I could help so many people if I could just find a simple way to teach people with Autism. After years of teaching countless people with Autism, with all different functioning forms, I can proudly say that I have found that method.

Please enjoy my book and the website that accompanies it, www.tunedmusiclessons.com. I look forward to being your teacher and showing you how easy guitar can be.

Books by Britt Biscone