Sandra Fordyce


From Washington D.C., the author is a retired Michigan educator and attended the University of Michigan, Olivet College and Eastern Michigan University. She was a teacher in the reading program at Boysville of Michigan and worked for KidsPeace New England on a granted project. She owned a gift shop in Bar Harbor for one season, CAPTAIN KIDD'S TREASURE, and sold gifts relating to the sea and pirates. She enjoys photography, travel, writing, oil and acrylic art. A lover of non-fiction she intermingled fact with fiction in HIDDEN IN GRANITE, the short tale of a man who was determined to find treasure hidden by the notorious privateer turned (some say) pirate, Captain William Kidd. The story is based in Acadia and contains many facts about the area. I LOVE MAINE, MY HOME is dedicated to Maine's children. BEAUTIFUL MAINE is a self-mailer for retailers and an alternative to cards. MAINE HIGHLIGHTS focuses on places the author loves to visit and she shares those spots with you.

Books by Sandra Fordyce