The Cygnet goes to Monte Carlo
a very long road trip in a very small Aston Martin
by L a r a P l a t m a n
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About the Book
The story of the road trip continues homewards to England.
About the Creator
Lara Platman is an award winning photographer & writer specialising in life's eccentricities. Her first book 'Art Workers Guild 125 Years' (Unicorn Press 2009) looks at 130 craftsmen in their working environments. This publication enjoys some of the country's hidden living national treasures. Lara's second book 'Harris Tweed from land to street' (Frances Lincoln 2011), celebrates the making of the historic cloth in its 100th year. Spending seven months in the outer Hebrides, Lara has witnessed the manufacturing of the cloth from fleece to suit. Lara's third book is called 'Spirit of Land , the distilleries of Scotland' (Frances Lincoln 2015). Lara has published two books with Blurb, with more of a personal, scrapbook, diary feel to them. She hopes you enjoy discovering a little part of her enjoyment of photography.