
Dimi Shoe

London, UK

Amongst other things, Dimi Shoe is a young illustrator and storyteller, currently based in London. Inspired by her environment, friends and family, Dimi’s work often contains strong autobiographical references. Small Enough, the artist’s first “official” attempt at turning her ideas into text, is no exception.

“The story of a young man’s need to travel the world and grow, and his fear of being small, is interwoven with the same philosophical ideas that occupy mine and a lot of my generation’s minds. These ideas dictate a lot of our lives and drive us to set new goals, to take new paths, to travel the world and grow. If we’re lucky, we might eventually find ourselves “small enough,” confident in our own skin, in our own identity, or we might not, and that’s ok too…” Dimi Shoe

Books by Dimi Shoe